About Maine Ghost Hunters
Welcome to the online presence of the Maine Ghost Hunters organization.
Maine Ghost Hunters is a 100% volunteer organization, meaning we aren’t paid for our paranormal investigations and there are absolutely no fees attached to any of the ghost hunting services we provide. Our team has a deep & genuine interest in the history of Maine (and New England), and we express our passion for this subject through our interactions & engagements as historic researchers and paranormal investigators. We realize the past sometimes reaches into the present. The phenomena fascinates us, and we enjoy sharing our excitement for that fascination with you.
What's On Our Website?
If you’ve come to our website, chances are you’re interested in what we’ve been up to and what sort of “evidence” we’ve uncovered during our team’s paranormal research and investigation ventures. If so, you’re in luck, because we’ve collected a wide variety of audio & video clips during our investigations we think you might find interesting. Our investigation schedule can get pretty active throughout any given year, so whenever it’s feasible to share our findings with you we jump at the chance and, whenever possible, we incorporate those findings into our evidence gallery and video showcase.