Fraud in Paranormal
Team Leadership and Fraud in Paranormal
Not all paranormal investigation team leaders are in leadership positions for noble reasons. Some are leaders of their own organizations because they have a felony criminal history that precludes them from being able to join reputable teams who do background checks.
The more you know the safer you can keep yourself.
How to Avoid Fraud in Paranormal
Dear ‘future potential clients’ of paranormal investigation teams, please be aware there are felons conducting themselves as members of paranormal investigation teams.
- The nature of paranormal investigations involves having strangers and/or people you don’t likely know very well, roaming around your residence, place of business, or historically significant location without your supervision, and oftentimes with the added risk of doing so in the dark. Accepting the reality that some of these people will prioritize their personal interests over yours – the client’s – will be of great benefit to you, on a number of fronts.
- There are people conducting ‘business’ as paranormal investigators who have committed crimes on client property while providing this ‘free service’ including, but not limited to; causing property damage; stealing from investigation locations; making public privately held knowledge about private residential homes, businesses and historic locations; and sexual assault among/between members of the investigating team while on client property.
- There are also teams and team members who find unsavory acts such as screaming obscenities at spirits and exposing themselves during investigations as a way to trigger spirits to communicate, to be completely acceptable ways of conducting themselves while in someone else’s home or business. There are also those whose lack of professionalism allows them to believe it’s OK to engage in sexual activity during investigation times while on client property.
- A grand majority of our clientele would rather not have their residence, business, or historic location associated with the types of behaviors listed above, and certainly not in video (or photographic) form for mass public consumption.
- These are all generalized concerns to take into consideration before granting access to a paranormal investigation team to a location for which you may be responsible.
Are They Really Insured and Bonded?
- Understand that there are ‘teams’ out there making statements on their websites that they’re insured, bonded, non-profit, licensed, incorporated, 501(c)(3), an LLC, etc… to give the appearance of being more organized, professional – and therefore, more trustworthy – than they actually are.
- This is fraud.
- This is one very influential manner of scamming potential clients into booking investigations with their team, instead of another team.
- If a team describes itself as insured, bonded, etc… request up-to-date proof of these claims in the form of a physical photocopy you keep for your files.
- Make sure to obtain the team leader’s printed name and signature on this proof, along with the date it was provided to you, and the direct contact information for the professional/legal agency their insurance/bond, etc.., was issued.
- Do your due diligence and contact the issuing agency before allowing any paranormal investigation team claiming to have this coverage onto property you’re responsible for.
- If you are on a team that claims to be insured, bonded, incorporated, etc… be sure to make it a priority for team leadership to provide you with your own – current & up to date – physical copy of these claims in a document you can, and should, put in your files.
- If something tragic should occur while you’re a part of an investigating team that claimed to have insurance when it did not, and you are named as a responsible party to the destruction that took place, you will still be held liable, legally and financially. Having a physical copy of the insurance, or bond, etc… that was provided to you by team leadership will very likely work positively in your favor.
- Request a new copy of this documentation once per year.
- Also make it a request, in writing if possible, that your team leadership make you aware as soon as the team is no longer insured, bonded, an LLC, etc… should that time come.
- Require that your team leadership make the entire team aware when it is no longer covered by insurance, bonding, LLC, incorporation, etc… before becoming physically involved with team business, and most especially before engaging in client investigations.
Every single paranormal investigation team out there is looking for a way to separate itself from the rest of their paranormal peers. There’s nothing wrong with this. Actually, it’s refreshing to have a diverse field of paranormal investigation teams to choose from when weighing your options as a client in need of these services.
Our strongest advice is to tread with suspicion when a team claims they have any of the above mentioned ‘extras’, and to request proof of these claims because the cost behind getting insured, or bonded – or to become an LLC, non-profit, or incorporated – can be prohibitively expensive for an organization that doesn’t make money for the services it provides.
Be suspicious of any person who has a reason they can’t provide the documentation that proves they have the coverage they claim to have, before the investigation begins.
Fraudulent "Non-Profit" Claims
- Non-profit and Not-for-profit are not the same.
- Non-profit and 501(c)(3) are not the same.
- There are many teams operating publicly while highlighting this claim of being a “non-profit” or 501(c)(3) and it’s just not true. If a team describes itself as a 501(c)(3) or a “non-profit” organization, these are legal tax standings. Request up-to-date proof of this claim in the form of a physical photocopy you keep for your files.
- Make sure to obtain the team leader’s printed name and signature on this proof, along with the date it was provided to you.
- Ask where their non-profit or 501(c)(3) paperwork is legally filed & what agency you can contact to confirm this tax standing is still current and legitimate.
- Do your due diligence and know there are teams who would forge this information hoping you won’t check up on it because even if they get caught lying to you, there is no one to hold them accountable.
- Paranormal Investigation Teams have no oversight except the police.
- There are no agencies holding paranormal investigation teams accountable for unsavory acts which they may perpetrate onto you or the location you’re responsible for. Know this before taking anyone by their word.
- Make sure to obtain the team leader’s printed name and signature on this proof, along with the date it was provided to you.
- It may not matter to you that a team is, or is not, ‘non-profit’ or 501(c)(3) but it matters if a team is advertising itself as such, and isn’t. This is a tactic disreputable teams have used in the past to help make their organizations seem more professional and legitimate in the field of paranormal investigations.
- Clients don’t know they should challenge the claim by requesting documented proof of these insured/bonded/non-profit credentials, and crooked paranormal team leaders depend on this in order to continue scamming potential clients, and the paranormal community as a whole.
- The overwhelming majority of all paranormal investigation teams operating in the public sphere are not conducting their business under a tax-exempt status, nor do they have any type of insurance dedicated to their team’s operations.
- This is completely normal practice in the field of paranormal because paranormal investigation teams don’t charge for their services; meaning they also don’t get paid to perform these services – and obtaining insurance can be expensive.
- This is why it’s imperative you be more curious than impressed when a team tells you they’ve paid for these types of insurance coverages and tax exemptions. Some teams have insurance, very near all do not. If you’re told the team you’re dealing with has any type of insurance or non-profit type standing do your due diligence and make sure the assertion is legitimate and not a ruse to gain your trust by appearing more professional than fellow paranormal groups at your disposal.
- This is completely normal practice in the field of paranormal because paranormal investigation teams don’t charge for their services; meaning they also don’t get paid to perform these services – and obtaining insurance can be expensive.
Avoiding "Psychic" Victimization
- Psychics, Sensitives, and other ‘spiritually’ involved members of the paranormal community are just as apt, and in some cases more apt, to be scammers, frauds, and con-artists.
- MGH has first hand knowledge of a victim of spiritual-based fraud, who was conned out of tens of thousands of dollars by a highly charismatic ‘psychic’ they first encountered in connection with a paranormal investigation team. The ‘psychic’ made themselves available to the client after the investigation was over. This led to long term grooming, and a financial scam was set in motion. The victim never recovered their money and the charismatic con-artist “psychic” continued their deception with countless others within an organization of their own, which they later led.
- We strongly suggest that clients disengage completely from the paranormal investigation team they work with, and all of their individual members except the team-lead responsible for the entire organization, when the investigation is over.
- We strongly caution against taking your ‘free’ paranormal investigation service to a more in-depth level, especially and most specifically regarding the ‘psychic’ who offers to charge you for future investigations or for “personal” readings outside of investigations.
- There are psychics/sensitives who will provide a “free investigation” and who also have a habit of grooming clients into paying them for future services.
- Paranormal Investigation teams do not charge for their services. This is not a “Try Before You Buy” scenario. Beware of being duped into believing the only way to really resolve your paranormal issues it to pay someone to help you.
- We strongly caution against taking your ‘free’ paranormal investigation service to a more in-depth level, especially and most specifically regarding the ‘psychic’ who offers to charge you for future investigations or for “personal” readings outside of investigations.
- Individuals who dishonestly pose themselves as ‘spiritually’ connected, or as a psychic or sensitive, are far more apt to target victims they deem as ‘desperate’.
- Mothers and Fathers who have lost their children.
- Children (adult or otherwise) who have lost their mothers, fathers, or siblings.
- Adults who have lost their spouse.
- People who are more fearful than curious about the spirit activity they’re concerned about.
- Clients in these types of positions are often the easiest of targets for spiritual-based scams and con-jobs.
The "Paranormal" Field is Not Regulated
- If you have a negative experience with a paranormal investigator or paranormal investigation team your only option for recourse is through personal legal action via filing a police report, retaining a lawyer, and going to court. The hassle in, and of, itself is something a lot of people won’t put themselves through. Scammers, frauds, and con artists are very well aware of the odds their victims will do nothing once they’ve been victimized. But, also, even if victims do seek legal action against the perpetrator the chances the consequences make their effort worthwhile are not all that promising.
- Knowing and understanding the risks serve your best interests.
- Not reporting fraud and criminal offenses perpetrated onto you is what allows these teams to continue victimizing unsuspecting future clients.
- The Paranormal community believes it polices itself, which isn’t likely to come as a consolation to a client dealing with the fallout of being victimized by an investigation team or team member.
- victimization can come in a multitude of forms, including; stalking, theft, property damage, defamation, slander, libel, and, of course, direct financial scams where the victim willingly gives money to the perpetrator.
- If you are an individual entering into the application process to join a new team, never give anyone your social security number.
- Social Security numbers are not necessary to provide background checks.
- Be entirely suspicious of any team merely requesting, let alone requiring, you provide your SSN# to them, for any reason.
- Paranormal Investigation teams provide a voluntary service. They are providing this service for themselves and their own agenda (learning more about paranormal, collecting evidence for their research, etc..) as much as they’re providing a service for the client. When the job is done, it is best advised to view the paranormal investigation team as you would any other service profession. Would you send or accept a social media ‘friend request’ from the gutter cleaner or landscaper who just serviced your property? What about the guy who comes over to fix your dishwasher or washing machine? They provide a service so you might follow their company page, but to keep yourself and your family safe you might find it wiser not to share the ins and outs of your personal life with this professional ‘stranger’.
"Psychic" Scams and Cons
- Victims of ‘spiritual-based’ crimes, in particular, are more likely to be hustled when the client views the investigation as a sort of job-interview, in terms of the abilities of the ‘psychic’. If the ‘psychic’ impresses the client, to the point the client wants to keep in touch in order to make use of the psychic’s ‘spiritual gifts’ in the future, this is an ideal scenario for the client to risk being scammed.
- It is strongly suggested that, as a client of a paranormal investigation team, you disengage from the team once the job is done – in the same way you would disengage from the plumbers or electricians who come into your house to do a job.
- MGH is familiar with a psychic who would do research on clients and client locations before arriving on scene for impending investigations. This allowed them to more easily persuade the client of how spiritually-gifted they were, when in fact, the ‘psychic’ was very much a con-artist who arrived with personal & historically accurate facts they researched well in advance. They also researched the social media accounts of clients and their family members, used results from sites like Google, as well as ‘background check’ websites like BeenVerified and Spokeo.
- It’s our strongest of recommendations to not treat the paranormal investigation you’re having done as a job-interview to determine the abilities of the psychic team member you’re dealing with. Doing so is a gamble and opens you up to unnecessary risk.
- As a client, it’s important to know that there are people in the field of paranormal who were not allowed onto other paranormal investigation teams because they couldn’t pass a background check – so they started their own team.
- Our experience was with a felon who posed themselves as a ‘psychic’ but who has a felony history which includes “theft by deception” in multiple states and who has continued to scam unsuspecting people over a span of the last 25+ years. Victims of this sociopathic “natural born psychic” (as they pose themselves) are still contacting us, 13+ years after our experience with this fraud, for help and clarification about who this person ‘really is’, because they’re being victimized in current times. Our warnings are real. For your own safety, we sincerely hope you take them into the deepest of considerations. It can only help keep you safer.