Governor Selden Connor
19th Maine 1st regiment of vermont volunteers 7th Maine abolitionist abscess Adjutant General of Maine Antietam assessor of internal revenue Augusta Big Bethel Boston brigadier general bullet campaigns civil service reform civil war collector for augusta district Colonel enlisted Fairfield first regiment of vermont volunteers Fraternity Fredericksburg Gettysburg governor Hartland Academy injury Joshua L. Chamberlain kidney land mine law lieutenant colonel Maine Maine Historical Society Maine National Guard major Medford Military Historical Society of Massachusetts Nephritis Pension Agent Phi Beta Kappa President Arthur President Grant President McKinley President of the Northern Banking Company private promotion public schools rank re-elected Selden Connor Senior Vice Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic Senior Vice Commander in Chief of the Loyal Legion shattered Society of the Army of the Potomac soldier spoils system thigh bone tour Tufts University Union US Secretary Treasury Vermont Virginia Peninsula Volunteers Washburn and Marsh Westbrook Seminary Woodstock Yorktown Zeta Psi